Sunday, November 29, 2009

How to split mp3 without CUE file?

My friend has given me a dvd with crazy house and trance music sets. The only problem is that the sets come as very large mp3 fiels. So as an example I have say 5 mp3 files each being about 120 megs running about 2 hours with about 10-20 songs inside of them.

There were no cue files for these huge mp3s. So I'm trying to figure what application can take these huge mp3s and maybe based on beats or frequency, intelligently cut them into individual separate tracks.

How to split mp3 without CUE file?myspace co uk

Computers are dumb. Software is dumb. Even in some cases, humans are dumb ( in that case, your friend)

let's assume he downloaded the live cd's off of a torrent site.

The easiest thing you could do, is to search for the specific live cd on various torrent sites. Exclude the mp3 version. Just download the .cue version.

Other than that, you'd have to download an opensource audio editor called "audacity".

It'll open up the mp3 file, but you'd have to mark the area which you'd want to remove, cut it, open up a new window, paste it and export it. It's easy, but it takes time.

Enjoy, and good luck

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