Sunday, November 29, 2009

Mp3 player trouble....?

I have a 1GB audiophase mp3 player. to make the usb connector 'pop up' I need to turn the USB swivel...BUT it WON"T TURN ....its's stuck or something...i tried a million times but it wont work , and I cant connecct it to the computer if it doesn't pop up. please help .........thanks

Mp3 player trouble....? quizzes

I can't help u with the USB swivel, but i can warn u not to waste ur time. I bought the KP1000 1GB audiophase mp3 player two weeks ago. my USB swivel worked fine, but when I tried to add songs to it, it only played 40 of 100 or so songs that I put on it. I tried it again and it only played 13. Then it froze on me and said I had no files on it. I returned it and got another one thinking I bought a defective mp3 player, but that one did the same thing. I bought it from Kmart and the salesperson told me that two more people returned theirs too with the same problem. She also said that one of the customers called the customer service number on the package and they said the chip in the mp3 player was too small and wouldn't hold as many songs as it should. So if u have ur receipt, and it's not too late, return it and get another mp3 player. San disk works pretty good, and I got another audiophase mp3 player (it's a newer model, and it stores pictures, video, voice recording, mp3 and wav music, and has a FM radio to it and you can record songs played on the radio stations) and it's working pretty good so far.

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