Sunday, December 6, 2009

MP3 Hearing Question...?

Say you just get on a bus, and noone else is on, so you have your mp3 at a volume of 13. However, more people start to get on and your start turing it up louder. By the end of the bus ride, you have it full blast because it was hard to hear.

Would hearing it full blast with a lot of other noises be just as worse as if you were by yourself listening to it full blast?

MP3 Hearing Question...?myspace code

More decibels = more damage.

If the total decibels rises because you turn up the volume, you are more likely to cause damage.

If you are referring to the same decibels with or without a crowd around you, then really there is no difference in peak decibels, and there MAY be an increase in average decibels since the crowd noise fills in between the music peaks. So, yes, there is a possibility you can suffer more damage if the volume setting remains the same but you add a crowd around you.

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